Get the benefits of becoming a member
Support your community: Your membership helps support local businesses and organizations.
Grow your business: Chambers of commerce offer a variety of resources to help businesses grow.
Get involved: Chambers of commerce are a great way to get involved and make a difference.
Included With All Memberships
Directory Listing
Free listing on the Dunsmuir Chamber website ( includes description, logo, photo, map, and social network and website links: $300.00 value.
Brochure Listing
Listing in Chamber Visitor Brochures and Guides provided to visitors: $50.00 value.
Promotion of events and business news through Chamber media resources. Your brochures and flyers posted inVisitor’s Center brochure racks and distributed via mail, email, and to walk-in visitors: $30.00 value
Quarterly Mixers at one of our fine business establishments to build professional relationships.
Office Services
Office services including copying and faxing at a 50% savings over non-members and use of bulk rate stamp for mass mailings.
Included With
Premium Memberships
Tiered sponsorship opportunities at events and complimentary Event tickets
Media Glam Package
Website: link to your business, blog, social media, QR code, menu or video
Feature in newsletter
Sponsorship of a quarterly mixer
Basic Annual Membership
Meet other business owners in your community and build relationships.
The chamber can advocate for your business's interests to local government.
Attend workshops and seminars to learn about business best practices
Get your business listed in the chamber's directory and promote your business at chamber events
Premium Memberships
Non-Profit / Individual Memberships
Non-Profit/Club with paid staff
Non-Profit/Club w/o paid staff
Individual Membership